Finals #1

  1. 3. a play filled with ridiculous or absurd happenings
  2. 7. one who uses a false name or character to cheat
  3. 8. an inexperienced person
  4. 9. to get down from
  5. 10. moving about from place to place
  6. 11. by chance not planned or rearranged
  7. 12. to make dry and thirsty
  8. 13. inclined to argue or debate
  9. 16. to order as a rule or course to be followed
  10. 17. large important major
  11. 19. to smother, prevent from breathing
  12. 20. the central point or heart of the matter
  13. 22. to rule over by strength or power
  14. 23. to allow many privledges
  1. 1. disobedient willfull
  2. 2. liable to change very rapidly
  3. 4. bearing a grudge
  4. 5. wide awake, alert, watchful
  5. 6. a very small part or quantity
  6. 7. endless so long as to seem endless
  7. 12. to spread throughout
  8. 14. evil bad
  9. 15. to defeat in a battle or contest
  10. 18. in state of financial ruin
  11. 21. to handle very economically or stingily