Finals Review

  1. 3. Area used for bone marrow aspiration
  2. 5. Using unclean needles is a risk factor for
  3. 7. Leading cause of skin cancer
  4. 11. Absent breath sounds
  5. 12. Absent abdominal sounds
  6. 15. Poor wound healing is a manifestation of
  7. 17. Low calcium level causes this
  8. 19. A condition that results because of Cirrhosis
  9. 20. Herpes Simplex 1 occurs here
  10. 22. Side effect of Atenolol
  11. 23. Another way to describe acetone breath
  12. 24. Type of diuretics that cause potassium to leave
  13. 25. Blood vessels do this in response to smoking
  1. 1. Produced in the Beta Cells of the Pancreas
  2. 2. Decreased red blood cells
  3. 4. Herpes virus that causes Shingles and Chicken Pox
  4. 6. Assess the mucus membranes and nail beds for
  5. 8. Antidote for narcotics
  6. 9. Vomiting and Diarrhea cause this condition
  7. 10. Control prevents retinopathy and neuropathy
  8. 13. Common in superficial burns
  9. 14. This is transmitted via droplets
  10. 16. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
  11. 18. Needed before a bowel resection
  12. 21. Type of infection seen with peptic ulcer disease