Finance terms, easy

  1. 4. **Leaving something behind for loved ones**
  2. 7. **Increasing wealth over time**
  3. 8. **Maximizing resources effectively**
  4. 9. **A sense of calm about money**
  5. 11. **Managing life changes effectively**
  6. 14. **Learning to make smarter choices**
  7. 15. **Planning for life after work**
  8. 16. **Safeguarding what matters**
  9. 17. **Feeling safe with your assets**
  10. 19. **Expert advice when needed**
  1. 1. **Living life on your terms**
  2. 2. **Understanding complex finances**
  3. 3. **Making things easier to manage**
  4. 5. **Keeping things in order**
  5. 6. **Streamlining processes**
  6. 10. **Trust in your financial future**
  7. 12. **Minimizing your IRS bill**
  8. 13. **Keeping wealth intact over time**
  9. 17. **A plan for achieving goals**
  10. 18. **Mapping out financial goals**