Financial Literacy Vocabulary Jakayla Destiny

  1. 3. Subtraction
  2. 6. An estimate
  3. 8. cost or change
  4. 11. payment Partial payment
  5. 13. net pay
  6. 14. Bank account on interest
  7. 20. A plastic card
  8. 21. That identifies a person to have things
  9. 22. bill
  1. 1. Money received
  2. 2. Borrowing
  3. 4. Money paid to the government
  4. 5. A overdrawing a checking account
  5. 7. Money in the bank
  6. 9. Tax on a receipt
  7. 10. deposit
  8. 12. A percentage of a sum
  9. 15. income
  10. 16. Payment
  11. 17. take money out
  12. 18. Repayment of money borrowed
  13. 19. earnings