financial maths

  1. 2. done every week
  2. 4. the allowance given to senior citizens
  3. 7. pay for the number of products produced
  4. 9. the money someone earns from the number of sales they make
  5. 10. the fixed amount of money a worker gets paid for a year
  6. 11. being able to pay tax in small amounts as you go
  7. 14. done every day
  8. 16. done once a month
  9. 17. occurring once a year
  10. 19. an allowance given by the government to help the community
  11. 20. rates that employees need to be paid for working particular hours.
  12. 22. the weekly amount of money a worker will get paid.
  13. 24. fees that are paid to the union that takes care of the employee's rights
  14. 25. extra money for working outside of hours
  15. 26. when the percentage changes with the amount of money
  1. 1. the account that can be opened and used when you a retired
  2. 3. allowances given for specific reasons
  3. 5. when the rate someone gets paid gets doubled
  4. 6. a payment made by one party to another that owns a particular asset
  5. 8. your pay after deductions
  6. 12. the extra money on top of the base pay that gets given when an employee goes on leave
  7. 13. done every two weeks
  8. 15. the amount of money someone gets paid by the hour
  9. 18. repayment on a loan
  10. 21. when the rate someone gets paid gets times by one and a half
  11. 23. the total amount of pay before deductions