Financial Maths

  1. 2. an amount the government contributes towards the cost of your private health insurance premiums.
  2. 3. paid double the standard rate of pay.
  3. 7. Higher Education Contribution Scheme = the type of loan you take out as a uni student to pay your contribution of your uni fees.
  4. 9. Union dues are a regular payment of money made by members of unions
  5. 11. happens every month
  6. 12. a scale of fees, taxes, wages.
  7. 15. the sum of all wages, salaries, profits, interest payments, rents, and other forms of earnings, before any deductions or taxes.
  8. 17. 1 and a half times the normal rate of pay.
  9. 18. a fixed regular payment earned for work or services, paid weekly or daily.
  10. 20. taking money out of an employee's pay before it is paid to them.
  11. 21. time worked in addition to someone's set/normal working hours.
  12. 24. When your business and investment income reaches a certain amount, you'll pay your income tax in instalments.
  13. 26. something an employee can receive if they work under difficult or dangerous conditions.
  14. 27. paid or credited for the use of, or right to use.
  1. 1. an increased rate of pay for overtime or work in abnormal conditions.
  2. 4. a set amount of money paid to individuals by the government depending on their circumstances.
  3. 5. a fee paid to a salesperson in exchange for services in facilitating or completing a sale transaction
  4. 6. work paid according to the amount produced
  5. 8. a fixed amount of money paid each hour that someone works.
  6. 10. an extra payment on top of someone's base rate of pay during a period of annual leave.
  7. 12. regular payment made into a fund by an employee towards a future pension.
  8. 13. happens once every two weeks
  9. 14. a payment received by people over retirement age.
  10. 16. occurs each week
  11. 19. occurs every day
  12. 22. amount of money that will be finally available to you (amount that ends up in your bank account after taxes and fees have been taken out)
  13. 23. occurs yearly
  14. 25. a fixed amount of money, usually expressed as an annual sum.