Financial Terms

  1. 4. A type of contract that specify through differents clauses the use, goal and purpose of a specific product that is agreed between two parties.
  2. 5. The time between the first time you pay your statement of your credit card and the next time that you have to pay again is called?
  3. 6. A card that allow you to make transactions or payments with the money that is substracted of your associated account.
  4. 7. Process by which you reduce from the total payment, spreading out the loan in small payments each month to paying's off the interest of a loan and the principal.
  5. 10. That score that is given to you when you have a credit history and increases depending on how you are with your credit card payments and how much credit card you have.
  1. 1. Type of transaction where you send money to a different place, city or country and it doesn't need an account.
  2. 2. It's that information page that has all the information about your account, all your movements, transactions, payments, etc.
  3. 3. A card that you can use to do payments or buy something and it is limited to a certain quantity of money.
  4. 8. When you get out some money of a ATM or when you pay something and the money is substracted of your account.
  5. 9. Is an agreement where you borrow a quantity of money to the bank and the bank as a insurance that you're going to pay, it take the title of a property that you have.