Find The Prepositions...

  1. 2. Can you get that box behind you?
  2. 3. I went into the attic to find my old stuff bear.
  3. 4. There is a cloud above us.
  4. 6. They are ahead of you!
  5. 7. Here is your birthday present from me.
  6. 10. The cat is on the porch.
  7. 11. My dog walks beside me.
  8. 12. Regan is below the deck.
  9. 13. There is an imposter among us!
  10. 14. Sam walks along the beach.
  11. 15. There was a eclipse during my birthday
  1. 1. Welcome aboard on the ship!
  2. 5. Ace was here before we could get in line.
  3. 6. Are you at the circus?
  4. 8. It's raining outside.
  5. 9. Let's go inside the shop.
  6. 11. What is the number between 57 and 59.
  7. 12. Faith walked by her neighbors front yard.
  8. 13. Frake ran around a block.
  9. 14. I went across a street.