  1. 6. CHEMICAL COMPUNDS used in refrigerator, air conditioner and in the production of some packagings.
  2. 8. IMAGINARY LINES around the glibe in a NORTH-SOUTH DIRECTION and used to measure distances in the EAST & WEST of equator.
  3. 10. Type of energy transfer by the FLOW OF MATERIAL
  4. 12. It's the height of a place ABOVE THE SEA LEVEL
  5. 13. a day when DAY & NIGHT are the SAME LENGTH.
  6. 16. IMAGINARY LINES circling the globe in an EAST-WEST DIRECTION and used to measure distances in the NORTH & SOUTH of equator
  7. 17. Type of energy transfer by the HEAT OF THE SUN
  1. 1. Filipino term for Southwest Monsoon
  2. 2. A wind in the Indian Ocean and southern Asia that BRINGS HEAVY RAINS IN THE SUMMER
  3. 3. Type of energy transfer through the BUMPING OF MOLECULES THROUGH CONTACT
  4. 4. LAYER in the Earth's atmosphere where the OZONE LAYER IS LOCATED and WHERE PLANES FLY.
  5. 5. A WIND that blows almost constantly to the west and towards the equator and a wind that would carry their TRADES to the different parts of world
  6. 7. Zone where the hot belt of low pressure with risinga ir that carries light breezes and frequent calms
  7. 9. STATE of the air and atmosphere at a particular time and place
  8. 11. LAYER in the Earth's atmosphere between mesosphere and thermosphere where ions lie and where radio waves travel
  9. 14. INSTRUMENT that is used to measure air pressure and predict changes in the weather
  10. 15. OVERALL WEATHER of an area