Finding Happiness

  1. 3. This is something we may take during the day to help us get some rest.
  2. 5. A place that makes us happy that we can go to that the leaves change in the fall and has cold winters.
  3. 6. An activity that can make us feel good and keep our body in shape.
  4. 7. An action that may occur when we are extremely happy and excited.
  5. 8. An activity we can participate in outside with friends to make us happy.
  6. 11. An act of ________ we should do at least once a day.
  7. 13. An action we might do before we laugh.
  8. 14. An activity that we can do to boost our energy and make us happy.
  1. 1. An emotional state of positive well-being, joy, or contentment.
  2. 2. This is a place where we can enjoy nature and grow beautiful things.
  3. 4. What we should let go of when we want to feel happy.
  4. 9. An attitude to have that is the opposite of a negative attitude.
  5. 10. Something we can play with that brings joy to our day.
  6. 12. A tropical place where we can enjoy nature.
  7. 14. An activity that we can watch to make us feel happy.