
  1. 7. What we use to measure the length of wood.
  2. 8. A joint that involves gluing an end to an adjoining flat surface.
  3. 10. A joinery technique where two wedge-shaped pieces have been cut to correspond to one another.
  4. 11. Short, thin shaped nail with a blunt tip.
  5. 12. when nail heads should not show.
  6. 13. Process of connecting two pieces of wood together.
  1. 1. What to wear at all times in the woodshop.
  2. 2. Small nail with cupped head for fastening
  3. 3. joint.
  4. 4. These are stronger than nails, has the same purpose.
  5. 5. A woodworking joint created when two boards are cut at an angle to one another.
  6. 6. A joint where one piece of wood is crossed over another.
  7. 9. A joint where one piece is grooved to receive the piece which forms the other part of