Finish the Proverbs

  1. 1. Nothing ventured nothing....
  2. 5. One mans trash is another mans ...
  3. 6. "____" breads contempt
  4. 8. Blood is thicker than
  5. 9. An apple a day keeps the "___" away.
  6. 11. Great minds think alike
  7. 12. The pen is ..... over the sword
  8. 13. The rule of
  9. 14. Patience is a .....
  1. 2. "_____" is the mother of innovation
  2. 3. "____" starts at home
  3. 4. Cold hands warm ...
  4. 6. April showers bring may...
  5. 7. "_______" What you preach
  6. 10. "_____" is the best medicine
  7. 12. Jack of all trades "____" of none