Finished Early: Geography

  1. 3. you use this on a map to determine the distances from place to place
  2. 7. Africa, Europe and Asia are examples of these
  3. 8. Atlantic, Pacific and Indian are examples of these
  4. 9. Cuba, Australia and Hawaii are examples of these
  5. 10. Washington DC, Moscow and Tokyo are examples of this important type of city
  6. 13. Mediterranean, Caribbean and Red are examples of these
  7. 14. Miami, Atlanta and Boston are examples of these
  8. 15. sometimes called the legend, it tells what the symbols on a map represent
  9. 16. Sahara, Gobi and Kalahari are examples of these
  1. 1. Florida, Greece and Italy are examples of these
  2. 2. the acronym to remember the 5 Great Lakes
  3. 3. California, Ohio and Texas are examples of these
  4. 4. the majority of Earth is occupied with this natural resource
  5. 5. Rocky, Appalachian and Himalayan are examples of these
  6. 6. on a map, it tells the directions of north, south, east and west
  7. 11. longitude & latitude, you can find them if you have the right...
  8. 12. Mississippi, Nile and Amazon are examples of these
  9. 17. imaginary line that splits Earth into north and south