Fire Crossword

  1. 3. A fire type that uses one piece of wood only; a Swedish ____ _____
  2. 4. A fire starter that blows out easily and can be made of paper or wood
  3. 5. A magnesium fire striker produces a _____ which ignites tinder
  4. 8. A fire starting method that is hard to do because it hurts the hands
  5. 10. Small and coarse materials that ignite easily when exposed to open flame
  6. 11. One of the easiest fire types to build, it is simple and fast
  7. 13. Part of the Fire Triangle which without, the fire will smother
  8. 14. A fire type that blocks the wind from blowing out the fire
  1. 1. A type of fire that slowly burns only the ends of the logs
  2. 2. The type of tinder that includes birch bark, dried grass and moss
  3. 5. The part of a fire bow that spins on the fireboard and generates heat and ash
  4. 6. A fire type that is great for cooking on, due to its two parts
  5. 7. Small pieces of wood that are easy to ignite and build up the fire
  6. 9. The fire type that is dug into the ground: the _______ fire hole
  7. 12. The most basic type of fire starting method, by rubbing two sticks together: a fire ____