Fire Protection

  1. 2. colored disk that is blown out when extinguisher bottle has been normally discharged
  2. 5. fire zone with large airflow over unusually shaped objects such as the aft compartment of the aircraft
  3. 9. Halon extinguishes a fire by removing the oxygen from the area and ____ the combustion process
  4. 11. name commonly used for the electrically actuated discharge cartridge used in Halon extinguisher bottles
  5. 13. The discharge cartridge used on Halon fire bottles is a ___ ___ item and must be periodically replaced.
  6. 18. fire zone with large airflow over similar obstructions such as reciprocating engine cylinders
  7. 19. Test required to ensure strength of HRD fire bottles
  8. 20. fire detection system that gives the best coverage of the compartment
  9. 23. ____ color is used to identify fire extinguisher lines
  10. 25. fire extinguisher used to put out Class A fires
  11. 27. Smoke detectors, CO2 detectors, and flame detectors are ____ used in engine fire systems
  12. 30. most common fire extinguishing agent used by ground personnel for engine fires on the ramp.
  13. 31. detection system that uses tube filled with an inert gas and gas absorbing material
  14. 32. ____ continuous loop detectors are considered to be overheat detectors
  15. 34. Smoke detector that uses a photoelectric cell to detect changes in light
  16. 35. Pulling the fire T-handle in a turbine aircraft shuts off fuel, hydraulic fluid, and electrical to the engine and also ____ the fire bottles
  17. 36. Class A fires consist of ____ combustibles
  18. 40. Fire zone with large airflow over aerodynamically clean obstructions such as a turbine engine nacelle
  19. 41. All materials used for interiors of aircraft must be ____.
  20. 43. Fire zone with little or no airflow such as a wing compartment or wheel well
  21. 45. Halon 1301 is said to be the ____ type of Halon used
  22. 46. Turbine engine fire extinguishing systems use an ____ actuated discharge cartridge to release Halon from the bottle
  23. 47. Detection system that requires the temperature to reach a specified value before giving an indication
  24. 48. Class C fires consist of ____ electrical circuits
  25. 49. uses two wires embedded in a thermistor core within an inconel tube
  26. 50. the ____ spot detector system uses thermal switches wired in parallel between two circuits to prevent false indications
  1. 1. extinguishing agent used in most HRD turbine engine systems
  2. 3. Used to determine the amount of extinguishing agent in a fire bottle
  3. 4. ____ continuous loop detectors are considered to be overheat detectors
  4. 6. Fire detection system that requires a rapid rise in temperature to operate.
  5. 7. Carbon Dioxide extinguishes a fire by ____ oxygen in the fire area.
  6. 8. fire zone with low airflow such as an APU compartment
  7. 10. Detection system that uses tube filled with helium and titanium wire
  8. 12. Halon 1301 ____ considered the safest extinguishing agent concerning human heath and aircraft corrosion
  9. 14. After an engine fire is put out, the fire detection system will ____ reset.
  10. 15. The Systron Donner and Lindberg continuous loop systems both use ____ ____ within an enclosed tube acting on a pressure switch.
  11. 16. Extinguishing system typically used on most modern turbine engine aircraft
  12. 17. The Systron Donner, Lindberg, and thermocouple systems all use ____ in the testing of the system
  13. 21. The Fenwal continuous loop detection system uses a ____ embedded in ceramic beads wetted by eutectic salts
  14. 22. Extinguisher type used in flight compartment and cabin of aircraft
  15. 24. The rate of temperature rise detection system ____ ____ detect a slow rise in engine compartment temperature
  16. 26. Smoke detector that uses a small amount of radioactive material
  17. 28. colored disk that is blown out when extinguisher bottle has been thermally discharged.
  18. 29. Class D fires consist of flammable ____.
  19. 33. is removed when squib is fired releasing Halon into engine compartment
  20. 37. melts out of bottle releasing Halon overboard if bottle is subject to excessive heat and pressure
  21. 38. The Fenwal spot detector systems use a ____ thermal switch that closes when heated to a specified temperature
  22. 39. The Kidde and Fenwal continuous loop systems both use a material that's electrical ____ drops as the temperature is increased
  23. 42. Class B fires consist of ____ combusitbles
  24. 44. System that's function is to warn the flight crew of an engine fire or overheat condition.