Fire Safety

  1. 2. ________ on the floor if there is a lot of smoke in your house.
  2. 3. House _________ can happen every day and hurt people.
  3. 6. If a door feels hot do not ________ it!
  4. 7. The ________ department will help put out the fire.
  5. 9. You should never hide in your ________ if there is a fire in your house.
  6. 10. It is easier to __________ near the floor when there is smoke in the house.
  7. 11. If your clothes start to burn, drop to the floor and ______!
  8. 12. Don't touch a door ________ because it could be hot!
  1. 1. Never go back into a __________ house.
  2. 4. What makes really loud sounds when there's smoke?
  3. 5. You should never hide under your ______ if there is a fire in your house.
  4. 8. What should you practice with your family in case of a fire?
  5. 13. Where should you go when the smoke alarm goes off?