Fire Safety

  1. 2. ____ Place, is the nearest cross street.
  2. 4. Colour of the band on a Carbon Dioxide fire extinguisher.
  3. 5. You must check this before using a fire extinguisher.
  4. 6. Colour of the hat worn by the First Aid Officer.
  5. 10. Exite routes and fire safety equipment must be kept ____ at all times.
  6. 11. There is one of these in each vehicle ____ ____.
  7. 13. The misuse of ____ ____ can cause a powerboard to overload causing a fire hazard.
  8. 15. An effective measure to prevent a fire is good ____ ____.
  9. 16. You should only use an extinguisher if it is ____ to do so.
  10. 17. One of the evacuation points ____ ____.
  11. 19. Fire extinguishers must be checked by a qualified person every ____ months.
  12. 20. When using a fire exringuisher it should be aimed at the ____ of the fire.
  1. 1. The best type of extinguisher to be used in the office area ____ ____.
  2. 3. Must never be used on an electrical fire.
  3. 7. These are found on the noticeboards ____ ____.
  4. 8. You must have an ____ ____ behind you if using a fire extinguisher.
  5. 9. Colour of the band on a dry chemical extinguisher.
  6. 12. The exact location of the fog horn in the front office ____ ____.
  7. 14. The acronym for using a fire extinguisher.
  8. 18. Colour of the hat worn by the person in charge of the fire.