First 50 Terms

  1. 2. neurons work by sending electrical charges or messages down the axon terminal. These electrical charges are called the ______
  2. 6. is the minimum amount that something must change in order for a person to detect the change, 50 percent of the time.
  3. 8. is part of Piaget's theory. He believed during this stage children start to understand mathematical equations and the idea of conservation.
  4. 9. A dog learns to salivate at the ringing of a bell. The bell was previously a neutral stimulus. This is an example of a ______.
  5. 12. Jessica has difficulty speaking. Doctors determined she has damage in an area of her left frontal lobe. This area is ______
  6. 16. hypothesis that states that dreams are a result of neural changes during REM sleep
  7. 18. another name for this is a motor neuron. These result in a motor response such as the movement of a muscle
  8. 21. a process and effective study technique that enhances long term memory. It involves repeatedly practicing and fully understanding the definition of the word instead of just reciting it in your head.
  9. 22. A multiple choice test that requires you to choose only one correct answer is an example of ______ because it requires you to choose one correct answer.
  10. 23. developed personality theory that involved overcoming inferiority
  11. 25. when a group in society identifies when it is acceptable and appropriate to express emotions
  12. 27. helps determine personality by looking at traits of extraversion
  13. 28. A very important developmental psychologist who suggested there were 8 stages of development. His work was then impacted by Freud.
  14. 29. the process by which over time IQ scores have improved
  15. 31. the desire for good performance with the result of a tangible reward
  16. 32. is a depth cue that uses both of your eyes. They help us determine how far away things are from us
  17. 34. John went to a hearing specialist to test his ______. The specialist looked at the 50-50 point of when he could and could not hear the sound in his ear to determine this
  18. 37. a stage in Piaget's theory where a teen is able to think abstractly
  19. 38. Jack is a young toddler. Every four legged animal he sees he calls a dog. This is ______
  20. 42. using this humans can remember about 7 things before beginning to forget
  21. 43. is a process that occurs automatically in humans. It is the process of organizing items into units, making it easier to recall them in the future.
  22. 44. part of Freud's theory of personality. In this part we are conscious of our judgements, thoughts, and perceptions
  23. 45. an example of this is someone getting fired and being angry at their boss, but then taking all the anger out on their family
  24. 46. the closer an object is to us, the more inward our eyes turn to focus on that object
  25. 48. is a type of learning that was discovered by Pavlow. It involves linking two stimuli.
  26. 49. a process by which the eye lens changes its shape to focus the light rays in the eye
  1. 1. is a scientific study that is done with the goal of solving a real, significant issue or problem.
  2. 3. Karen has been feeling depressed lately. She is lonely and always feels left out. She has a deep desire to feel a sense of belonging in society. She has ______
  3. 4. is a more creative way of thinking where there is not just one solution to the problem.
  4. 5. is part of the nervous system. It has two branches, the parasympathetic and sympathetic division.
  5. 7. states that people enjoy doing activities and seek to do activities that result in high levels of arousal
  6. 10. an illusion of the mind where a person stares at an object for a fixed amount of time and it appears the object is moving
  7. 11. when a conditioned response no longer exists
  8. 13. Jason is given the three letters AST. He is told to unscramble the letters. To do this he gets a piece of paper and writes out every three letter combination the letters can make. He is using an ______
  9. 14. a type of therapy where shocks are administered to a patient with the goal of helping and fixing mental health conditions
  10. 15. when the electrical charge inside a cell membrane changes. The opening of sodium gated ion channels cause the inside to become more positive
  11. 17. when things that are far away appear to be blurry
  12. 19. the time in which a neuron can’t be stimulated, recharging phase
  13. 20. important social cognitive psychologist who proposed the social learning theory
  14. 24. Hunger is an example of this theory. Feeling hungry is unpleasant and causes us to want to eat in order to get rid of this unpleasant feeling
  15. 26. a psychologist who discovered that facial expressions are universally understood, even in different cultures
  16. 30. a mental shortcut that involves a person relying on the information that first comes to their mind
  17. 33. This process leads people to only search for evidence that supports their hypothesis and doesn’t look at any evidence that disproves it ______.
  18. 35. An important cognitive psychologist. Believed we are born with an innate sense of grammar that helps us develop language.
  19. 36. is the part of a baby’s life that is essential to the child having proper development
  20. 39. is the part of the brain that connects the left and right hemispheres.
  21. 40. benefits a human in society; ability to overcome and change to the environment
  22. 41. parts of our unconscious that relate to our thoughts and behavior
  23. 47. important psychology who developed the first intelligence test