First Aid Review

  1. 2. assistance in the case of exposure to poisonous or hazardous substances
  2. 3. failing to provide the type of care as would a person having the same or similar training
  3. 6. injury resulting from excessive exposure to thermal, chemical, electrical, or radioactive agents
  4. 9. device used to apply pressure in order to limit the flow of blood
  5. 12. state of prolonged unconsciousness
  6. 15. series of waves in a water body due to the displacement of a large volume of water
  7. 17. a critical condition brought on by the sudden drop in blood flow through the body
  8. 19. traumatic brain injury that affects the function of the brain
  9. 22. sudden, uncontrolled electrical disturbance in the brain
  10. 24. no one is required to render first aid when no legal duty exists
  11. 26. or other gases enter the lungs
  12. 27. intaking a food, drink, or substance into the body
  13. 28. symptoms, allergies, medications, prior medical history, last oral intake, events preceeding
  14. 29. severe, potential life-threatening allergic reaction
  15. 31. a medical emergency that causes one's body to lose heat faster than it can produce heat
  16. 32. deviating from accepted standard of care that results in further injury to a victim
  17. 33. inability to breathe caused by blockage of the throat or windpipe
  18. 34. electronic device used to help those experiencing sudden cardiac arrest
  1. 1. what is going on around you
  2. 4. immediate care given to an injured or suddenly ill person
  3. 5. 3 c's
  4. 7. rapid heartbeat that causes poor blood flow
  5. 8. an emergency procedure that includes chest compressions
  6. 10. sudden and violent shaking of the ground
  7. 11. pressure on a wound in order to constrict the blood vessels
  8. 13. to do what a reasonably prudent person would do
  9. 14. concussion symptoms that last beyond the expected recovery period
  10. 16. or agreeing
  11. 18. something a reasonably prudent person would NOT do
  12. 20. stroke: when the body cannot regulate its temperature
  13. 21. maintaining privacy about a victim, relaying medical information to appropriate persons
  14. 23. emergency technique used to help clear a person's airway
  15. 25. emergency medical services
  16. 30. seizure: abnormal electrical activity in one area of the brain