  1. 3. make sure there is no _______ around you or the victim
  2. 4. Prevent blood loss by taking fast ____
  3. 5. what does the letter 'a' stand for in DRSABCD
  4. 8. used to control heart fibrillation
  5. 11. A person who cant breath at all is in resportory ___
  6. 12. The flow of blood can be restricted if a bandage is
  7. 13. can jelly beans be given for high blood pressure?
  1. 1. During an asthma atack a child may ____ while exhailing
  2. 2. When having an asthma atack your airway becomes ______.
  3. 4. you sould never ____ a snake
  4. 6. in first aid we use the ______ position
  5. 7. Epipen can be used to control ____ .
  6. 9. when someone eats something that there alergic to they get an 'alergic _____ "
  7. 10. When having a seizure most people ___ down.