First Battle of Bull Run

  1. 5. confederate general (beginning of war)
  2. 6. confederate general (end of war)
  3. 10. a small river the union marched on to fight the confederate
  4. 11. a key position of the confederates for an advantage
  5. 12. the day union reached safety in Washington
  6. 14. which way were both generals trying to flank
  7. 15. how many union died
  1. 1. where the battle was fought
  2. 2. the state this war was fought in
  3. 3. union commander(beginning of the war)
  4. 4. who lost the war
  5. 7. who won the war
  6. 8. used from confederates to intimidate the union
  7. 9. the day the battle was fought on
  8. 13. how many confederates died