First-order logic

  1. 1. Questions asked with ASK are called
  2. 2. The symbol x is called a
  3. 3. We can use the ______symbol to signify that two terms refer to the same object
  4. 4. has_________ and existential quantifiers to construct assertions about all or some of the
  5. 8. An atomic sentence is true just when the relation named by the predicate holds between the
  6. 10. the general process of knowledge-base construction— a process called
  7. 11. ________ are similar to sets
  8. 14. a representation language that is far more powerful than propositional logic
  9. 16. Propositional logic has a property that is desirable in representation languages, namely
  10. 17. they are entailed by the axioms
  11. 19. When we look at the syntax of natural language, the most obvious elements are nouns and noun phrases that refer to
  1. 1. Extended interpretations, which map quantifier variables to objects in the model,truth of
  2. 5. A _________of a model is the set of objects or domain elements it contains
  3. 6. The syntax of first-order logic builds on that of
  4. 7. Natural languages also suffer from
  5. 9. The knowledge engineer might already be an expert in the domain, or might need to work with real experts to extract what they know—a process called
  6. 12. Knowledge representation languages should be declarative, compositional, expressive,context independent, and
  7. 13. values of the quantified variables.
  8. 15. A term with no variables is called a
  9. 18. _____is formed from a predicate symbol optionally followed by a parenthesized list of terms