First Quarter Examination in Science 10

  1. 1. The science that studies Earth
  2. 5. Scientist who believes that the continents were once joined as a large landmass.
  3. 7. A boundary in which two plates move toward each other.
  4. 10. An event in which a plate moves beneath another plate.
  5. 14. Vibration of Earth due to the rapid release of energy
  6. 16. A current in the mantle because of the heat from the inner layers of the Earth.
  7. 19. Plate ___________ is a theory which suggests that the plates are moving slowly but constantly.
  8. 20. A type of body wave which travels quickly through liquids.
  9. 22. A method used to hypothetically determine the epicenter of an earthquake.
  10. 24. A boundary existing between the core and the mantle.
  11. 25. Consists of the crust and the upper mantle.
  12. 28. A boundary produced when two plates slide past each other.
  13. 30. Arc Formed on the surface of an oceanic plate when it collides with another oceanic plate.
  14. 31. A fossil plant which supports the idea that the continents were once joined.
  15. 33. A solid layer made up of iron and nickel is the ____________ core.
  16. 34. A series of ocean waves with very long wavelengths caused by large-scale disturbances of the ocean.
  17. 35. A kit which can help people to survive for a few days after a calamity.
  18. 36. A term which means “entire earth”.
  19. 37. An evidence which supports Continental Drift Theory focusing on past climate data of the continents.
  20. 39. Rigid sections of the lithosphere that move as a unit
  21. 40. A discovery which explains how continents move is the ___________ spreading.
  22. 44. Preserved remains or traces of organisms (plants and animals) from the remote past.
  23. 46. The outer layer of the earth.
  24. 47. Spot A concentration of heat in the mantle capable of creating magma
  1. 2. A crust which is thinner and is found under oceans
  2. 3. Ridge Develop when divergent boundaries are situated along underwater mountains.
  3. 4. The inner core remains solid because of _________ freezing.
  4. 6. A crust which is thicker and found under landforms.
  5. 8. A boundary existing between crust and mantle.
  6. 9. One evidence which supports Continental Drift Theory is ______ and Mountain Correlation.
  7. 11. A liquid layer made up of iron and nickel is the _____________ core.
  8. 12. A reptile whose fossils were found on South America and Africa and supports the Continental Drift Theory.
  9. 13. A boundary in which two plates move away from each other.
  10. 15. A type of seismic waves which travels through the layers of the earth.
  11. 17. A depression in the seafloor produced by subduction process
  12. 18. A soft, weak upper portion of the mantle where the lithospheric plates float and move around.
  13. 21. A mass of molten rock formed at depth, including dissolved gases and crystals
  14. 23. A type of body wave which travels slower through solids.
  15. 25. The continental crust and _____ dense than the oceanic crust.
  16. 26. A point in the surface of the Earth directly above the focus of an earthquake.
  17. 27. A geologic formation when two continental plates collide.
  18. 29. Valley Develop when spreading center develops within a continent.
  19. 32. A device used to record earthquake waves.
  20. 36. According to Wegener edges of the continents fits like a _________.
  21. 38. Arc Formed on the surface when a continental plate collides with an oceanic plate
  22. 40. The energy from an earthquake radiates in all directions from the focus in the form of waves called _____ waves
  23. 41. A scientist who supports the idea that the continents were once a large landmass.
  24. 42. Continental ______ Theory states that the continents were once a large landmass.
  25. 43. A break in a rock along which movement has occurred.
  26. 45. The most abundant element in the crust.