- 2. What you may receive for signing up for a class job and/or answering a question in class.
- 3. What your tickets go towards on Fridays.
- 5. What you should be working on at the beginning of class.
- 7. The bad guy in "Harry Potter", he whose name shall not be spoken.
- 10. The voice level you should be at when working with a partner.
- 12. Once an Indian, always an___________.
- 1. You will take notes in this and it stays in the classroom.
- 4. The voice level you should be at when the teacher is talking.
- 6. You need this every day charged.
- 8. The voice level you may be at when asking a question.
- 9. The good guys in Star Wars.
- 11. You must raise this and wait to be called on if you have a question or comment.