
  1. 1. Home team of first NHL game together (Rebecca's team)
  2. 4. Home team of first baseball game together (Nathan's team)
  3. 5. City we celebrated Nathan's birthday, for the first time together
  4. 8. Opposing team of Rebecca's first Orioles game with Nathan (O's won!)
  5. 12. City in Maryland of first date
  6. 13. Home team of first hockey game together (3rd date)
  7. 14. Attraction spot of first car trip in Nathan's new Land Rover
  8. 15. First date movie
  9. 16. First Halloween together - the morning activity (hint: Nathan's parents' charity)
  10. 19. Month of Becca's first trip to Dallas
  1. 1. First concert together
  2. 2. Month of first Facetime call & Becca's birthday month
  3. 3. Destination airport of first flight together
  4. 6. Main food item Nathan grilled for first dinner at home (2nd date, Nathan's house)
  5. 7. First date restaurant
  6. 9. First family holiday together (in Dallas)
  7. 10. City of first weekend trip together
  8. 11. Home team of first basketball game together (with Allie & Andrew)
  9. 17. Month of first date
  10. 18. Home team of first football game together (and on the field)