Fit for Summer

  1. 1. The topic for the wellness materials on the Fitness Center bulletin board is ____ safety.
  2. 2. Victor has 2 dogs named Tyco and ____.
  3. 5. Durning the month of June we will be conducting the Basic _____ Blast Challenge.
  4. 8. 1 floor on the stepmill consists of ____ steps.
  5. 10. The Octance has ____ preset programs to choose from.
  6. 12. Our facility attendant's first name is ____.
  7. 13. How many of the Life Fitness machine diagrams list the tricep as a muscle involved in performing the movement?
  1. 1. During the summer months what time does the Fitness Center close on Friday?
  2. 3. Brand name of the Strength Equipment Line in the HQ Fitness Center.
  3. 4. Jeff earned his second Graduate degree from ____ University in 2003.
  4. 6. How many group exercise classes are offered over the course of 1 week in the HQ Fitness Center?
  5. 7. On June 18th there will be a workshop held in Fitness Center on the ____ ladder.
  6. 8. In the Free Weight area there are duplicates of both the 15lbs and ____lbs dumbbells.
  7. 9. The 10th exercise on the bodyweight exercise handout is ____ raises.
  8. 11. Lisa is a certified personal trainer through which organization?