
  1. 1. a slot in your computer used for music
  2. 4. something powered by a computer
  3. 6. a peripheral were you provide information to your computer
  4. 7. wireless internet (wireless fidelity)
  5. 9. a search engine that finds better, more reliable information
  6. 15. instructions and data readable by a machine
  7. 16. something that is on or from the web
  8. 18. a slot in your computer used for flash-drives and other things
  9. 20. credit given to an author of a source
  10. 22. a separate tool connected to your computer
  11. 23. a picture or visual used to represent a product
  12. 24. Who is contacting me, what are they asking, why are they asking it?
  13. 26. programs know as "apps"
  14. 28. a written file that is saved on your computer
  15. 29. known as "NCSA"
  16. 34. keeping your private information secure on the web
  17. 35. a slot in your computer used for internet connection
  18. 37. saved pieces of work or pictures saved and stored on a computer
  19. 38. a pamphlet used to tell about a product or service
  20. 39. a website that searches the web for you
  21. 40. a mouse that is powered by a roller ball
  22. 42. the type of internet you have (DSL/Cable)
  23. 44. a written paper telling about you and good things you have done
  24. 45. the screen for computer
  1. 2. a type of internet hosting service
  2. 3. 3g or 4g
  3. 5. a computer powered object that is portable
  4. 6. known as ISP
  5. 8. the machines and physical parts that make up your comupter
  6. 10. a machine that isn't powered by a computer
  7. 11. the internet area that is for saved data
  8. 12. useful software loaded on to a computer
  9. 13. an online presentation service
  10. 14. the ceremony for an elected president
  11. 17. making the right choices and being nice on the web
  12. 19. a mouse that is powered by a laser
  13. 21. a catchphrase used to represent a product
  14. 25. a blank part of a document for you to work on
  15. 27. mac/pc
  16. 30. the circular discs inserted into a computer
  17. 31. keeping safe on the web
  18. 32. to put out or draw attention to a product
  19. 33. the main "heart" of the computer
  20. 36. this is the mouse on your laptop
  21. 41. everything that you save is stored in this part of the computer
  22. 43. a peripheral were a computer gives information to you