FITE: Vocab. DB

  1. 1. how safe your computer is online
  2. 7. iphone
  3. 8. how safe you are online
  4. 9. the brain of the computer
  5. 10. something you use to find info
  6. 11. how you connect to the internet
  7. 14. screen
  8. 16. something you use like a monitor so you can see stuff in the computer
  9. 18. comcast
  10. 24. the wiring inside a computer
  11. 26. wireless internet
  12. 27. touch pad
  13. 28. where headphones go
  14. 31. apps for computer
  15. 33. wired internet
  1. 1. online server
  2. 2. dsl cable
  3. 3. a catchy phrase used by companies
  4. 4. short term memory or ram on a computer
  5. 5. attachments for a computer
  6. 6. brings up different search engine info
  7. 12. something you send to a business to get a job
  8. 13. how you act online
  9. 14. the heart of the computer
  10. 15. non wired internet
  11. 17. something you type on
  12. 19. places in the computer for flash drives
  13. 20. the speed inside your computer
  14. 21. microsoft word
  15. 22. place for a cd on a computer
  16. 23. something you use to put stuff into the computer
  17. 25. an emblem for a company
  18. 29. something that catches your eye to make you interested in a company
  19. 30. a place to keep things
  20. 32. flash drive slot
  21. 34. tall modem (box) for desktop computer