
  1. 2. Having well-developed muscles
  2. 5. Correct posture
  3. 10. Testing Cardiovascular endurance
  4. 13. Bend easily
  5. 14. Being able to do something for a long period of time
  6. 15. Exercise requiring upper body strength
  7. 17. The speed your heart is beating
  8. 18. Needing lots of oxygen
  1. 1. Idea of the future or desired result
  2. 3. Testing your abdominal strength
  3. 4. We breath it in
  4. 6. Extend one's body or a part
  5. 7. Promoting good health
  6. 8. Being physically fit and healthy
  7. 9. Your overall well being
  8. 11. Pumps Blood
  9. 12. Testing your flexibility
  10. 16. State of being physically strong