
  1. 3. connect bone to bone
  2. 4. muscular ___ the ability to use a group of muscles over and over without tire
  3. 9. ___ training is a form of physical activity that is designed to improve muscular fitness by exercising a muscle or a muscle group against external resistance.
  4. 11. Work out hard for 20 seconds Rest for 10 seconds Complete 8 rounds
  5. 13. As your body adapts to training, you progress to a new level of fitness. To then take this to the “next level”, a gradual increase in intensity is needed to create an overload.
  6. 15. the ability to use your joints with ease
  7. 16. high intensity interval training
  1. 1. ____ endurance is the ability of your heart and lungs to work efficiently during physical activity
  2. 2. As your body adapts to training, you progress to a new level of fitness. To then take this to the “next level”, a gradual increase in intensity is needed to create an overload.
  3. 5. exercise "without oxygen"
  4. 6. The effects of training are reversible. If exercise is reduced in intensity or even stopped, the benefit/fitness level (not the skill) can be lost quickly.
  5. 7. is any type of cardiovascular conditioning.
  6. 8. training must be specific to the sport or activity, the type of fitness required and the particular muscle groups.
  7. 10. muscular ____ amount of forcer muscles apply when they are used
  8. 12. connect muscle to bone
  9. 14. training must be raised to a higher level than normal to create extra demands to which you body will adapt