
  1. 1. quick bursts of energy at maximum effort for a short time (eg. sprints, plyometrics, interval training)
  2. 6. the state of being healthy in body and mind, especially as the result of deliberate effort
  3. 9. the ability to use strength quickly
  4. 10. overall physical health and performance
  5. 11. everyday movements that require energy
  6. 12. taking time to rest and repair after exercise
  7. 13. an activity that occurs over an extended period of time (eg. brisk walking, dancing, gardening)
  8. 15. the growth and increase in size of muscles
  9. 16. multidimensional aspect of wellness that considers the physical health, mental health, and social health of an individual; the state of being free from illness or injury
  10. 17. the ability to perform exercises at moderate to vigorous intensities for a prolonged period of time
  1. 2. training harder than usual to improve fitness either by increasing resistance or repetitions
  2. 3. the ability to move a muscle or joint through a range of motion
  3. 4. maximum amount of force a muscle can generate; high load low rep (eg. 5 reps at 80% 1RM)
  4. 5. movement that is planned, structured, repetitive, and purposeful
  5. 7. having a balanced diet to ensure the body is getting the fuel it needs and to promote muscle recovery and development
  6. 8. focusing on a specific goal or activity in your training
  7. 9. the ability to repeat an exercise without tiring; low load high rep (eg. 12 reps at 50% 1RM)
  8. 14. gradually increasing the difficulty of your workout through increasing resistance, repetitions, or sets