Fitness and Conditioning

  1. 2. stretching technique that alternates hold and contract
  2. 3. the ability to generate force rapidly
  3. 6. Muscles of the lumbar spine, abdomen, hips, and pelvis
  4. 7. Specific adaptation to imposed demands
  5. 9. muscle lengthens while contracting against
  6. 10. shorten and lengthens through an entire ROM
  7. 11. Alternating periods of work with active recovery
  8. 13. decrease in the size of a body part or muscle
  1. 1. the muscle shortens without changing length
  2. 4. activity that requires oxygen
  3. 5. Contracts the muscle without changing length
  4. 7. stretching by holding at maximum stretch
  5. 8. activity without suffictient oxygen
  6. 11. increase in size of muscle or body part
  7. 12. stretching technique that uses bouncing