fitness cross word

  1. 6. a fitness related condition
  2. 7. the I in FITT
  3. 8. a test which determines physical fitness
  4. 10. the ability for all body parts to work together efficiently
  5. 11. activity any aerobic or anaerobic exercise which can be non organised or organised sport
  6. 12. your heart rate in the morning
  7. 13. wellbeing an aspect of your health
  1. 1. a disorder of the metabolism
  2. 2. the combination of speed and strength
  3. 3. the t in FITT
  4. 4. the other t in FITT
  5. 5. the f in FITT
  6. 8. endurance how many sit ups per minute is a test of this
  7. 9. the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth.
  8. 13. opposite of clue 1