
  1. 2. Dimension Influenceon family
  2. 5. The last emotion
  3. 6. cleaning the house
  4. 8. To Talk to someone
  5. 10. A way to get home
  6. 11. Go to someone for Company
  7. 13. A Domain that you could use for dancing
  8. 14. Another Emotion
  9. 15. Another domain for students
  10. 16. BPM
  11. 18. The minnimum of physical activity a adolecsent girl should do per day
  12. 19. The Topic
  1. 1. Physiclal,Social,Emotional
  2. 3. The Subject
  3. 4. WHO
  4. 7. Somewhere to check your heart rate (wrist)
  5. 9. Emotions Sad feelings
  6. 12. Rate HR
  7. 17. The maximum time to use technology per day