
  1. 2. childs average heart rate
  2. 3. physical activity at you job
  3. 6. the beat that is located in your neck
  4. 7. the beat inside of your wrist
  5. 11. a type of physical activity
  6. 13. teenager
  7. 14. a type of sport you do in the water
  8. 16. the world health organisation
  9. 17. something you need when your doing something hard
  10. 18. something you need when you do alot of sport
  1. 1. active transport,leisure,occupation,house hold jobs
  2. 4. walking to school
  3. 5. a way to keep healthy
  4. 8. a feeling when your angry
  5. 9. doing something that you enjoy
  6. 10. how many hours of physical activity you should do a day
  7. 11. a feeeling when your upset
  8. 12. your interacting with other people
  9. 15. a feeling when you feel good about yourself
  10. 18. number of domain