
  1. 2. The minimum amount of hours of sleep you should be getting
  2. 5. The pulse that is located on your neck below your ear
  3. 7. The minimum amount of PA an adolescent girl should do per day
  4. 10. This is a PA domain that includes going to and from school
  5. 13. The abbreviation of World Health Organisations
  6. 15. A dimension that effects your mental and physical health
  7. 18. An emotion when you are feeling good about yourself
  8. 19. You will need to do this to keep healthy
  9. 20. A domain that is of your interest
  1. 1. In order to keep healthy you need to be _ _ _
  2. 3. An organ that pumps the blood around your body?
  3. 4. The pulse on the inside of your wrist
  4. 6. A domain that includes your job
  5. 8. The abbreviation of beats per minute
  6. 9. One of the three dimensions starting with S
  7. 11. What is the maximum amount of time to be on your iPad/iPod/Computer
  8. 12. These people are very important in your life
  9. 14. What dimension requires moving your body?
  10. 16. An emotion when you are feeling upset
  11. 17. You need this to rest your body at night