
  1. 3. it is a type of bulling done over the internet and is not good for anybody to expirence
  2. 5. you must do this before you play any sport because otherwise you may injure yourself because your mucsles arent warmed up
  3. 6. one of the way to keep your body calm is by doing a yoga kind of excercise called
  4. 8. these things make a person feel happy they are usually an animal
  5. 12. what does WHO stand for
  6. 17. what is the required amout of time an adolencent girl should spend outside daily excersing
  7. 19. the dimension of health which looks after what you are feeling
  1. 1. the health dimesion which involves communicatwing with your friends and family
  2. 2. the health domain which is about when you need to get from somewhere to another place
  3. 4. it is another social networking site where you can share pictures of things you like or take selfies.. you get followers on this site
  4. 6. everything is good for your body but it all must be in?
  5. 7. a lot of girls like to do do this activity after school as outside of school sport it has many different types to it
  6. 9. it is part of emotional health
  7. 10. the health dimesion which involves keeping yourself fit and healthy and also making sure youy get plenty of excercise
  8. 11. it is a social networking site were you and your friends can share cool posts and and photos
  9. 13. it is important to have the right amount of excercise ut it is also important to have a good health.... when eating
  10. 14. outside of school most kids play....
  11. 15. what is the maximum amout of time an adolecent girl should be spending on technology
  12. 16. what is the acronym for national physical activity guideline
  13. 18. it is an excercise activity you can do in the water
  14. 20. the health domain which is about your free time and what you do in your free time