FITT Principles

  1. 3. being physically strong
  2. 7. exercise that involves absence of free oxygen
  3. 8. being physically fit and healthy
  4. 10. The type of exercise you perform
  5. 13. How often you work out
  6. 14. How efficiently your heart, lungs provide oxygen
  7. 17. sustain an exercise over a period of time
  8. 18. provides resistance for muscles
  9. 19. How long you work out
  1. 1. practicing healthy habits on a daily basis
  2. 2. obese body mass index number
  3. 4. obtain food necessary for health
  4. 5. heart rate in order to benefit from exercise
  5. 6. layer under the skin
  6. 9. How hard you work out
  7. 11. bending easily without breaking
  8. 12. sport or activity of riding a bicycle
  9. 15. designed to be practical and useful
  10. 16. exercise that involves oxygen