flemdawgs awesome puzzle

  1. 1. my nickname
  2. 4. my name
  3. 5. reflections preserve what properties
  4. 7. Any angle over 90
  5. 8. a triangle where no sides equal
  6. 10. when 3 points of triangle are on circle it forms a right angle
  7. 11. two angles that add up to 180
  8. 13. two angles that add up to 90
  9. 15. The theorem that states an angle with all three points on a triangles measurement is half of the angles arc
  1. 2. a triangle where at least 2 sides equal
  2. 3. a 90 degree angle
  3. 6. triangle where all the sides equal
  4. 9. two triangles that are the same
  5. 12. any angle under 90
  6. 14. three sided shape