Flight Unit Vocabulary Review

  1. 5. The up or down orientation of the plane's nose.
  2. 7. The left or right orientation of a plane's nose.
  3. 10. The faster a fluid (like air) moves, the lower its pressure.
  4. 12. A device that gets its lift from the thrust of hot gases and air.
  5. 13. The force air exerts in all directions.
  6. 14. The height of a plane above the ground.
  7. 15. Aircrafts with no engine.
  8. 16. The force produced by a plane that pushes it forwards.
  9. 18. The flaps that control an airplane's pitch. Located on the horizontal stabilizers.
  10. 22. An object designed to create lift as it moves through the air. It's another name for 'wing'.
  11. 23. The balloon part of a hot air balloon which holds the hot air.
  12. 24. The direction an airplane is pointing in relation to the Earth's surface.
  13. 25. The force of attraction that pulls objects towards the centre of the Earth.
  1. 1. The upwards force created by air rushing past the wings of a plane.
  2. 2. The container that holds people in a hot air balloon.
  3. 3. The connecting lines on a parachute.
  4. 4. The flaps attached to the wings that control roll.
  5. 6. The parts of a plane that a pilot moves to alter the pitch, roll, and yaw.
  6. 8. The maximum speed of a falling object.
  7. 9. An area of extremely low air pressure.
  8. 11. The resistance created by air moving past a flying object.
  9. 17. The body of a plane.
  10. 19. The control surface attached to the vertical stabilizer. Controls yaw.
  11. 20. How much force gravity exerts on a given mass.
  12. 21. How much a plane's wings are banked left or right.