
  1. 1. The curved shape of a wing is called this
  2. 3. To jump out of a plane, this would be very helpful
  3. 5. The fast mode of transportation
  4. 7. Shape of an object that gives the least air resistance
  5. 9. This type of pressure goes under the wing
  6. 11. Instead of wings this flying object has blades
  7. 12. How many of these does would it take to lift you off the ground
  8. 13. Makes a kite fly
  9. 14. Force that raises an object
  10. 15. Force that moves an object forward
  1. 1. The weight exerted on you by tiny particles of air
  2. 2. Force that pulls an object down
  3. 4. Objects use these things to fly
  4. 6. Force moving against an object
  5. 8. This type of pressure goes over the wing
  6. 10. This principle states the faster the air the lower the pressure
  7. 12. Living creature that flies