- 1. What does Granddad Duncan have around his neck at the dinner?
- 3. Name of the director of Flipped
- 5. What color is Bryce's hair in the movie?
- 6. What color are Bryce's eyes in the movie?
- 7. What color is Bryce's kite?
- 10. Shelly's name is changed to what in the movie?
- 15. What instrument did Mr. Loski use to play?
- 1. Bryce is voted one of his school's what?
- 2. Mr. Loski accuses Mike and Matt of being what at the dinner?
- 4. Who does Juli go on her Basket Boys lunch with?
- 8. What color is the hat Juli wears to fix up her yard?
- 9. The plane Eddie Trulock talks about building with his dad is from what country?
- 11. What color is Grandad Duncan's shirt when we first see him?
- 12. what animal do Mike and Matt have as a pet?
- 13. What kind of tree does Juli love?
- 14. What TV show is Bryce watching after he talks to Juli about her yard?