
  1. 4. one of the obstacles to the flow and capacity of the river is
  2. 6. Dumping garbage in the watershed makes the river?
  3. 9. The problem of social factors is very important in urban flooding
  4. 10. What should we do to prevent flooding?
  5. 11. due to human actions are land use change, garbage disposal, densely populated areas along the river, and damage to flood control structures. That are the?
  6. 12. Flooding is a natural phenomenon that originates from
  7. 13. If the function of the forest was changed to be a settlement, the river level will increase substantially what times?
  1. 1. Flooding has indeed become one of the disasters that cause great damage to
  2. 2. One of the causes of flooding due to human actions is
  3. 3. The main cause of flooding compared to other causes is
  4. 5. The text above describes what phenomenon?
  5. 7. The causes of human-caused flooding besides changes in land use, dense population along rivers, and damage to flood control structures are
  6. 8. one of the natural causes of flooding is