Flood-o-ween 2022

  1. 2. - Possibly the first depiction of surgery for this eye condition is in a statue from the fifth dynasty. (nine letters)
  2. 4. - This monument was built during the Old Kingdom. (six letters)
  3. 6. - The second season in the Ancient Egyptian calendar was this, "the season of the emergence". (five letters)
  4. 9. - Predynastic Egyptians imported this stone from Ethiopia. (eight letters)
  5. 10. - The Egyptian lotus has between fourteen and twenty of these. (six letters)
  6. 11. - This family had control of Upper Egypt during the First Intermediate Period. (five letters)
  7. 13. - The third ruler with this name was the last ruler of the Middle Kingdom.
  8. 17. - Traces of this phase of ancient Egyptian can still be found in modern Egyptian Arabic. (six letters)
  9. 18. - The first season in the Ancient Egyptian calendar was this, "the season of the innundation". (five letters)
  10. 20. - This sun deity has many hands. (four letters)
  11. 22. - This Great Macedonian took control of Egypt from Persia and added it to his sizeable empire. (eight letters)
  12. 24. - The Nile was vitally important to the Ancient Egyptian society; its yearly flooding allowed them grow flax, papyrus, and this crop. (five letters)
  13. 25. - This city is located at the confluence of the two tributaries of the Nile. (eight letters)
  14. 27. - The largest of the three pyramids at Giza. (four letters)
  15. 28. - This form of secret code was first found in the tomb of Khnumhotep II. (ten letters)
  16. 29. - This ruler successfully drove the Hyksos out of Egypt and became the first ruler of the New Kingdom. (six letters)
  17. 30. - Name of the last ruler of Egypt. (nine letters)
  18. 32. - This Egyptian city/capital has the same name as a city in Tennessee that is known for music. (seven letters)
  19. 33. - A sintered-quartz ceramic from Ancient Egypt. (seven letters)
  20. 36. - Fifty years of this natural disaster caused the country to go into the First Intermediate Period.
  21. 37. - A god whose many epithets include Tepy-djuef: "He Who Is upon His Mountain". (six letters)
  22. 40. - Mortar for the pyramids was made from this mineral. (six letters)
  23. 41. - This group of people invaded Egypt during the end of the New Kingdom, but nobody quite knows who they were or where they came from. (two words; nine letters)
  24. 42. - A protective snake god who was originally a local god of a town in Lower Egypt presently known as Desouk. (six letters)
  25. 43. - One of the first known maps was of this place, located in Nubia, where ancient Egyptians could find the materials for their jewelry. (two words, eight letters)
  26. 44. - The Northeast African subspecies of this animal was tamed and used to hunt by Ancient Egyptians. This practice passed through Persia to India where it continued into the 12th century with the Asiatic subspecies. (seven letters)
  27. 45. - Very old god called "the swift one". Originally took the form of a snake, later the form of a hare. (five letters)
  28. 46. - The Ancient Egyptians called the Nile this word, which meant river. (five letters)
  1. 1. - This temple was the largest Egyptian temple ever built. (six letters)
  2. 3. - The first recorded peace treaty was between the Egyptians and these people. (eight letters)
  3. 5. - It's hypothesized that the pyramids were constructed by using ropes and ____. (seven letters)
  4. 7. - The smallest of the three pyramids at Giza. (eight letters)
  5. 8. - Pharaohs used this kind of art to record victories in battle, royal decrees, and religious scenes. (seven letters)
  6. 11. - The capital of Egypt was moved to this city at the beginning of the Twelfth Dynasty. (seven letters)
  7. 12. - The first officially recognized king of Egypt. (four letters)
  8. 14. - The first ruler of Egypt to use the title of pharaoh. (nine letters)
  9. 15. - In a tomb in Thebes, Howard Carter found a complete set of a game he called Hounds and _____. It was popular in the Middle Kingdom. (seven letters)
  10. 16. - This Ancient Egyptian temple was relocated due to flooding caused by a dam in 1968; it is currently on exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in a wing designed and built just for it. (six letters)
  11. 17. - Egyptians got these horse-drawn warfare tools from their invaders during the Second Intermediate Period. (eight letters)
  12. 19. - The second tallest of the three pyramids at Giza. (six letters)
  13. 21. - The Ancient Egyptians cultivated this color of lotus, and it was a very important part of their religion. (four letters)
  14. 23. - This part of the Egyptian lotus is edible. (eight letters)
  15. 26. - A game whose board depicted a coiled snake and has been found in Old Kingdom tombs as well as in Cyprus and Jordan. (five letters)
  16. 31. - Ancient Egyptians imported lapis lazuli from this country, located between Central and South Asia. (eleven letters)
  17. 34. - This precious metal was an abundant resource in Ancient Egypt. (four letters)
  18. 35. - The Giza Complex originally overlooked this part of the Nile, that no longer exists. (two words; eleven letters)
  19. 38. - The third season in the Ancient Egyptian calendar was this, "the season of the low water". (five letters)
  20. 39. - The annual flooding of the Nile left this behind, making the land fertile. (four letters)
  21. 43. - Workers were paid with this - they earned an average of 5 ½ sacks a month. (five letters)
  22. 45. - The Nile has two main tributaries. The Blue Nile is the source of most of the water downstream, but the _____ Nile is considered the headwaters. (five letters)