- 1. modified leaves at the base of a flower
- 8. The part of the stem that holds the flower part
- 9. Female part of a plant
- 10. The sticky tissue at the end of the pistil
- 13. Swollen base of the style
- 14. Male and female parts on one plant
- 16. Rod-shaped middle part of the flower
- 17. Support the petals and protect unopened flower
- 18. Sepals fused together
- 20. Flower with only female part
- 21. Male part of the plant
- 2. the part of the flower pollen is released from
- 3. Flat-topped inflorescences
- 4. Petals that are fused together
- 5. Flower with only male parts
- 6. Attract insects to the flower
- 7. No distinction is seen between petal and sepals
- 11. The grain released by flowers from the anther
- 12. The flower stem
- 15. Arrangement of the flowers on a plant
- 19. Male and female parts on different plants