Flower Anatomy

  1. 1. modified leaves at the base of a flower
  2. 8. The part of the stem that holds the flower part
  3. 9. Female part of a plant
  4. 10. The sticky tissue at the end of the pistil
  5. 13. Swollen base of the style
  6. 14. Male and female parts on one plant
  7. 16. Rod-shaped middle part of the flower
  8. 17. Support the petals and protect unopened flower
  9. 18. Sepals fused together
  10. 20. Flower with only female part
  11. 21. Male part of the plant
  1. 2. the part of the flower pollen is released from
  2. 3. Flat-topped inflorescences
  3. 4. Petals that are fused together
  4. 5. Flower with only male parts
  5. 6. Attract insects to the flower
  6. 7. No distinction is seen between petal and sepals
  7. 11. The grain released by flowers from the anther
  8. 12. The flower stem
  9. 15. Arrangement of the flowers on a plant
  10. 19. Male and female parts on different plants