Flower Anatomy

  1. 2. Sepels fused together create this
  2. 4. Flowers that have female but no male parts
  3. 6. The male part of the flower
  4. 7. Sticky tissue at the end of the pistil
  5. 9. The rod shaped middle part
  6. 11. Flat topped inflorecences
  7. 13. The female part of the flower
  8. 16. The pedicel part that holds the flower
  9. 17. Colorful leaf like structures
  10. 18. Petals fused together
  11. 19. Green leaf like structures below the petals
  1. 1. The unit of the female reproductive organ
  2. 3. Male and female parts on different plants
  3. 5. Flowering progression is downward or outward
  4. 6. Flowers that have a male but not female part
  5. 8. The flowers stem
  6. 10. The anther contains this
  7. 12. A flower that has male and female parts
  8. 14. The floral inflorescence
  9. 15. The petals and sepels together form this