Fluids & Electrolyte Review

  1. 3. Cation found mainly in teeth and bones
  2. 4. Inverse of hypercalcemia
  3. 8. Normal saline and Lactated Ringers
  4. 10. Imbalance seen in alcoholics
  5. 11. 1 liter of water weighs 1 ________
  6. 13. Accounts for nearly 60% of body weight
  7. 14. Electrolyte that helps Na+ & K+ cross the cell membrane
  8. 15. Most dangerous disorder due to cardiac complications
  9. 17. Absorption of calcium requires
  10. 19. Normal levels are 3.5-5 and directly affect nerve impulse transmission
  11. 20. Precautions with hypernatremia
  1. 1. Water pushing pressure
  2. 2. Imbalance caused by diuretics, water gain, or decreased intake
  3. 5. Imbalance with Trousseau or Chvostek sign
  4. 6. The kidneys and ADH try to maintain a fluid balance known as ________
  5. 7. IV fluid that draws water out of the cells into the ECF
  6. 9. Hypocalcemia can cause low serum levels
  7. 10. Imbalance caused by suctioning, vomiting, & malabsorption
  8. 12. Water pulling pressure
  9. 16. When solutes move from an area of higher concentration to lower
  10. 18. Main cation, accounts for 90% of ECF