Flying Cars?!

  1. 2. People who create items in a factory
  2. 6. People who regularly travel between their home and work or other destinations.
  3. 9. Individuals who start new businesses or ventures.
  4. 10. bring about a radical change in a particular area, system, process, industry, or society.
  1. 1. In the context of mass production, this refers to cost-saving through producing items in large quantities.
  2. 3. Providing advice or recommendations.
  3. 4. Heights above sea level, typically used in aviation to describe an aircraft's height.
  4. 5. Instances where objects or vehicles come into contact with each other, typically with force.
  5. 7. Traffic jams or overcrowding, often used in the context of roadways.
  6. 8. Something that stimulates or accelerates a process or change.