FM Review

  1. 3. On auscultation you hear a harsh blowing pansystolic murmur at the apex. What is the most likely diagnosis?
  2. 6. Rheumatic fever most commonly affects which valve?
  3. 10. Bat wing vessels or Kerley B lines on a CXR should make you think of what diagnosis?
  4. 15. What diagnosis is most likely in an IV drug user with a new heart murmur and fever?
  5. 16. What side effect might make a patient stop taking an ACEI?
  6. 19. Polyuria, polydipsia and polyphagia should make you think of what disease?
  7. 20. Typically what is the first medication started in type 2 DM?
  8. 21. A positive Chvostek’s sign indicates hypo or hypercalcemia?
  1. 1. What is the initial treatment for a patient diagnosed with pericarditis?
  2. 2. What medication is first line therapy in a patient with heart failure and normal ejection fraction?
  3. 4. Cortical adrenal insufficiency is also known as what disease?
  4. 5. Buffalo hump, moon face and purple striae should make you think of what disease?
  5. 7. Which is a more common cause of cause of renal artery stenosis, atherosclerotic disease or fibromuscular dysplasia?
  6. 8. A patient presents with pain in one eye. The cornea is hazy and pupil is fixed. What is the most likely diagnosis?
  7. 9. What finding might you see with Prinzmetal's angina on an EKG?
  8. 11. A constant fixed split in S2 should make you think of what diagnosis?
  9. 12. Stasis, vascular injury, hypercoagulability make up what triad?
  10. 13. On EKG, you notice a patient has a gradually lengthening PR interval and then a missed QRS complex. The pattern repeats again. What type of AV block is this?
  11. 14. A patient has a history of multiple stys. He now has a painless nodule on his eyelid and minor conjunctivitis. What is the most likely diagnosis?
  12. 17. what criteria is this- Predisposing condition, Fever of 100.4, vascular phenomenon, immunologic phenomenon, positive blood culture that doesn't meet major criteria
  13. 18. Diabetes Insipidus is caused by a deficiency of which hormone?