FNH 480 Medications - Diabetes

  1. 4. Side effects of this medication include transient diarrhea, nausea, bloating, anorexia, and flatulence.
  2. 5. This drug delays intestinal absorption of glucose.
  3. 7. A drug that slows down the transit of food and drugs through the intestine and may reduce the absorption of oral drugs.
  4. 9. Which class of diabetes drugs is associated with hypoglycemia and is contraindicated with renal insufficiency?
  1. 1. A drug that decreases glucagon production, which decreases mealtime hepatic glucose release and prevents postprandial hyperglycemia.
  2. 2. Side effects of this drug include edema and weight gain (approximately 0.5 to 3 Kg), and is contraindicated in individuals with CHF.
  3. 3. Drugs in this class are contraindicated in T1DM, and are used in T2DM when other medications fail to maintain glycemic control.
  4. 4. This drug is used in emergency prevention or treatment of hypoglycemia.
  5. 6. Glipizide stimulates what type of insulin secretion?
  6. 8. Incorrect administration of this drug could result in hypoglycemia.